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Suchergebnisse für

Factory Automation - Import Export

DeutschlandMünchen, Nürnberg und Bayern


Designed and constructed with an iron core, these linear motors offer extremely high continuous force for their size, starting at 60N for the small TM, all the way up to 3000N for the water cooled TBW powerhouse. Peak forces are even higher, reaching up to 6000N. All this raw power comes in a surprisingly compact package. Its small footprint, modular design and high force density enable very flexible application designs. The ability to string multiple motors together, either in series or parallel, widens its range of applications even further. Examples of application areas that benefit from the Iron Core series' specific qualities include: Semiconductor Printing Laser /waterjet cutting Machine tooling Inspection stages Pick & place applications Medical / life science / lab automation Factory automation / handling Electronics Solar

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Suchergebnisse für

Factory Automation - Import Export

Anzahl der Ergebnisse

1 Produkt
